Short animated film
Winter, 1942. Beyond the Arctic Circle, on the uninhabited island of Trofimovsk in the Laptev Sea, exiled peoples struggle to survive. This is the place chosen by Soviet authorities to deport vast numbers of inhabitants from the occupied Baltic countries, Finland, Ukraine and elsewhere.
In this harsh, alien landscape, man is a mere speck. Against the backdrop of such majestic isolation, many thousands face the savage indifference and cruelty of nature. Always living on the edge, they must find a way to stay alive.
All experiences depicted are based on the unfaded memories of those who survived.
In this harsh, alien landscape, man is a mere speck. Against the backdrop of such majestic isolation, many thousands face the savage indifference and cruelty of nature. Always living on the edge, they must find a way to stay alive.
All experiences depicted are based on the unfaded memories of those who survived.
Directors and screenwriters - Gintarė Valevičiūtė-B., Antanas Skučas
Producers - Giedrė Burokaitė, Lauras Lučiūnas
Production Designer - Martynas Vilimavičius
Composer - Marius Salynas
Animation Director - Svetlana Bezuglova
Editor - Gintarė Valevičiūtė-B.
Sound Designer - Marius Salynas
Animators - Svetlana Bezuglova, Milda Kargaudaitė, Pijus Balkaitis,
Antanas Skučas, Aurelijus Čiupas, Rusnė Dragūnevičiūtė
Producers - Giedrė Burokaitė, Lauras Lučiūnas
Production Designer - Martynas Vilimavičius
Composer - Marius Salynas
Animation Director - Svetlana Bezuglova
Editor - Gintarė Valevičiūtė-B.
Sound Designer - Marius Salynas
Animators - Svetlana Bezuglova, Milda Kargaudaitė, Pijus Balkaitis,
Antanas Skučas, Aurelijus Čiupas, Rusnė Dragūnevičiūtė
Silver Crane for the best Lithuanian animated film of the year, 2023
Silver Crane for the best Lithuanian animated film of the year, 2023
National premiere at Vilnius International Film Festival "Kino pavasaris", Lithuania, 2023
National premiere at Vilnius International Film Festival "Kino pavasaris", Lithuania, 2023

Production company: Tylus kinas
Distribution: Akis bado
Supported by: LKC
Distribution: Akis bado
Supported by: LKC