A young woman arrested following a traffic accident is forced to spend the night at the police station where the ultimate confrontation awaits her – that with herself.

Scriptwriter & Director - Indrė Juškutė
Producers - Rūta Petronytė, Giedrė Burokaitė
Director Of Photography - Laura Aliukonytė (LAC)
Production Designer - Greta Vileikytė
Editor - Ignė Narbutaitė
Sound Designer - Martynas Tamulis
Leading cast - Angelina Daukaitė
Producers - Rūta Petronytė, Giedrė Burokaitė
Director Of Photography - Laura Aliukonytė (LAC)
Production Designer - Greta Vileikytė
Editor - Ignė Narbutaitė
Sound Designer - Martynas Tamulis
Leading cast - Angelina Daukaitė